Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration PESA

What is PESA?

Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) is a medical procedure used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) to obtain sperm directly from the epididymis, which is a small, coiled tube located on the back of each testicle. The epididymis is where sperm mature and are stored before ejaculation.

When is PESA typically performed?

This procedure is typically employed when a male is unable to naturally release sperm during ejaculation due to conditions such as obstructive azoospermia or retrograde ejaculation.

  1. Obstructive Azoospermia: This is a condition where there is a blockage in the reproductive tract, preventing the release of sperm during ejaculation.
  2. Retrograde Ejaculation: In this condition, sperm are directed backward into the bladder instead of being expelled through the penis during ejaculation.

How is PESA preformed?

  1. Patient Preparation: Before the procedure, the patient is typically given local anesthesia to numb the scrotal area where the procedure will take place.
  2. Needle Insertion: A fine needle is then inserted through the scrotal skin and into the epididymis.
  3. Aspiration of Epididymal Fluid: Once the needle is in the epididymis, a gentle suction is applied to aspirate (draw out) a small amount of fluid from the epididymal tubules. This fluid contains sperm that have matured and are stored in the epididymis.
  4. Sperm Retrieval: The collected fluid is examined under a microscope in the laboratory. The goal is to identify and retrieve viable sperm from the epididymal fluid. The sperm retrieved through PESA may vary in quality, and the number retrieved can also vary.
  5. Sperm Storage: The retrieved sperm are then processed and prepared for storage. They can be cryopreserved (frozen) for later use in assisted reproductive techniques.
  6. Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART):

The stored sperm can be used in conjunction with the female partner’s eggs in various ART procedures. The most common methods include in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

The Trad Fertility Center, is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate services, the center combines cutting-edge medical expertise with a patient-centric approach. With a focus on excellence, the Trad Fertility Center aims to be a beacon of support and innovation, offering personalized fertility treatments to individuals and couples seeking assistance on their reproductive journey.

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