Genetic Testing

PGT-M : Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders previously known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used in couples who are already known to have a serious genetic disease in their family that can be transferred to their children. Even if these couples do not have any fertility problem they need to undergo IVF. Embryos resulting from an IVF cycle will be tested in the lab. A cell will be taken from each embryo and tested for this specific disease. Only embryos free from this genetic disorder will be transferred to the uterus thus resulting in a pregnancy with a baby free from this specific disease.

PGT-A : Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy previously known as preimplantation genetic screening or PGS involves testing embryos resulting from an IVF cycle for abnormalities in the number of chromosomes. It does not check a specific disease. A cell is taken from each embryo in the lab and tested for chromosomal abnormalities. Only embryos without chromosomal abnormalities are transferred to the uterus. This test may benefit older women above 37 years, women with repeated miscarriages or repeated IVF failures and to couples where the male partner has high percentage of abnormal sperm.

Family Balancing :  Family balancing also known as gender selection is used when a couple prefer to choose the sex of the embryo that will be transferred to the uterus. Usually couples who may not have any fertility problem and already have several children of the same sex would like to have a child of the opposite sex. In this case the couple will undergo IVF. A cell is taken in the lab from each embryo and checked for X and Y chromosomes.

The Trad Fertility Center, is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate services, the center combines cutting-edge medical expertise with a patient-centric approach. With a focus on excellence, the Trad Fertility Center aims to be a beacon of support and innovation, offering personalized fertility treatments to individuals and couples seeking assistance on their reproductive journey.

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Best Patient Care 2019
Best Practice & Best Team 2018
Best Team & Practice 2017

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