Frozen Embryo Transfer

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a part of Assisted Reproductive Techniques where embryos frozen from previous IVF cycles are used to try and create a pregnancy.

The female partner’s uterus is prepared by a natural cycle or a hormonal treatment such that the uterine lining is just right for the embryos to settle and grow.

Once uterus is ready, the embryos are thawed and  carefully selected embryos are placed into the woman’s uterus. This selection is based on various criteria, including their growth rate, appearance, and cell division.

Usually, one or two embryos are transferred depending on various factors, including the woman’s age, embryo quality, and medical history, aiming to optimize the chances of pregnancy while reducing the risk of multiple births.

The actual transfer is a relatively simple and minimally invasive procedure that is performed, in general, without anesthesia. The woman lies on an exam table, and a thin catheter containing the selected embryos is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. This is done with the guidance of ultrasound imaging to ensure precise placement.

Once the catheter deposits the embryos into the uterus, the procedure is complete. Following the transfer, the woman may rest for a short period before returning home.

The Trad Fertility Center, is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate services, the center combines cutting-edge medical expertise with a patient-centric approach. With a focus on excellence, the Trad Fertility Center aims to be a beacon of support and innovation, offering personalized fertility treatments to individuals and couples seeking assistance on their reproductive journey.

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Best Patient Care 2019
Best Practice & Best Team 2018
Best Team & Practice 2017

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