Embryo freezing (Embryo Cryopreservation)

Embryo freezing is a technique commonly utilized in assisted reproductive technology (ART) to preserve fertility and enable future conception. It involves cryopreservation, which is the process of cooling and storing the embryos at very low temperatures to maintain viability over an extended period.

Embryo freezing Indications:

  1. IVF Treatment: During IVF treatment, excess embryos that are not transferred to the female partner’s uterus during a fresh IVF cycle may be cryopreserved for future use.
  2. Fertility Preservation: Embryo freezing allows individuals or couples to preserve embryos for future use if they are not ready to conceive at the time of IVF treatment or if they want to have children later in life.

Embryo freezing Procedure:

  1. IVF Process: Embryos are created through the process of IVF, where eggs are retrieved from the woman’s ovaries, fertilized with sperm in the laboratory, and allowed to develop for a few days. (refer to IVF section for more details)
  2. Embryo Assessment: After fertilization, embryos are assessed for quality and development.
  3. Cryopreservation: Suitable embryos are selected for cryopreservation. They are cooled using a cryoprotectant solution and then stored in liquid nitrogen tanks.

Storage and Viability:

Embryos can be stored for several years with relatively high rates of viability upon thawing. Success rates for pregnancy using frozen embryos are comparable to those achieved with fresh embryos in IVF cycles.

Embryo freezing offers couples options for preserving fertility and achieving pregnancy in the future, providing valuable reproductive flexibility and peace of mind. However, it’s essential to discuss these options with a fertility specialist to determine the most suitable approach based on individual circumstances and treatment goals.


The Trad Fertility Center, is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate services, the center combines cutting-edge medical expertise with a patient-centric approach. With a focus on excellence, the Trad Fertility Center aims to be a beacon of support and innovation, offering personalized fertility treatments to individuals and couples seeking assistance on their reproductive journey.

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