Male Fertility Preservation and Sperm Freezing

Fertility preservation is the practice of proactively helping men to preserve their sperm, thus increasing their chances for future reproduction. Sperm freezing is the process of cooling and storing sperms at very low temperatures to maintain viability over an extended period.


Common situations in which Sperm Freezing is indicated:

    1. Medical Treatments Affecting Fertility: Individuals undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgeries that may affect fertility are often advised to freeze sperm before starting treatment. These treatments can have adverse effects on sperm production in the future, and sperm freezing allows individuals to preserve their fertility before undergoing such procedures.
    1. Fertility Preservation before Vasectomy: Men considering a vasectomy may choose to freeze sperm before the procedure. This provides them with the option to have biological children in the future if their circumstances or desires change.
    1. Occupational Hazards: Individuals exposed to occupational hazards or environmental factors that may impact fertility might opt ​​for sperm freezing as a precautionary measure. This includes exposure to toxins, chemicals, or radiation in certain work environments.
    1. Testicular or Prostate Surgery: Surgeries involving the testicles or prostate can sometimes affect sperm production. Men undergoing these procedures may choose to freeze sperm to preserve fertility.
    1. Genetic Disorders: Individuals with genetic disorders that may impact fertility may consider sperm freezing as a way to ensure the availability of viable sperm for future family planning. This is particularly relevant in cases where the genetic condition may progress or affect fertility over time.
    1. Delaying Parenthood: Men who plan to delay parenthood for personal or career reasons may choose to freeze sperm when they are in their reproductive prime. This allows them to preserve the option of having biological children later in life.
    1. Travel: Individuals with professions that involve frequent travel or long periods away from home may choose sperm freezing to address potential challenges in conception due to extended absences.
    1. Preserving Fertility in the Face of Disease: Individuals facing conditions that may affect future fertility, such as autoimmune diseases or certain chronic illnesses, may consider sperm freezing as a precautionary measure.

Sperm Freezing Procedure:

  1. Semen Collection: A semen sample is collected through masturbation into a sterile container. In certain cases, sperm is collected by procedures like testicular biopsy, TESE or PESE discussed separately.
  2. Processing: The sample is processed in the laboratory to remove seminal fluid and concentrate the sperm.
  3. Cryopreservation: The sperm are then slowly cooled to very low temperatures (usually around -196°C) using a cryoprotectant solution to prevent ice crystal formation, and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks until needed.

Storage and Viability:

Sperm can be stored for an extended period without significant loss of viability. However, the success of sperm freezing depends on various factors, including the quality of the sperm sample and the expertise of the laboratory handling the procedure.

Frozen sperm can be used later for an intrauterine insemination, an IVF cycle, or an ICSI cycle

It’s important to note that success rates can vary widely, and individual experiences will differ. Couples or individuals considering the use of frozen sperm for assisted reproduction should consult with fertility specialists who can provide personalized guidance based on their specific circumstances. Additionally, advances in assisted reproductive technologies and improvements in sperm freezing techniques continue to contribute to overall success rates in fertility preservation.

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    The Trad Fertility Center, is dedicated to providing exceptional medical care in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate services, the center combines cutting-edge medical expertise with a patient-centric approach. With a focus on excellence, the Trad Fertility Center aims to be a beacon of support and innovation, offering personalized fertility treatments to individuals and couples seeking assistance on their reproductive journey.

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